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The Police  and Crime Commissioner oversees funding contributions which support work with partner organisations.

The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 enables the Commissioner to award grants to organisations or groups that will support the achievement of community safety priorities in Durham and Darlington.

The Police and Crime Commissioner oversees funding contributions which support work with partner organisations that have a vital part to play in keeping County Durham and Darlington communities safe.

The Commissioner attaches conditions to the funding, which help oversee how well the money is spent on behalf of local communities and to ensure that there are transparency and accountability. There is a system of regular reporting which provides information on progress and evidence of effectiveness.

In February 2024, a Commissioning Strategy was published to set out the intention of the OPCC in the distribution of six million pounds of public monies within the Durham force area.  

A Commissioning Board was established to enable the consideration of commissioning and grant-making proposals for each financial year. 

The Commissioning Strategy was refreshed in February 2024 and can be downloaded here.

The Board is comprised of policy and commissioning leads from within the OPCC and is chaired by the PCC. The Board is the ultimate decision forum for commissioning activities and grant-making. 

Following the completion of the commissioning exercise when a clear way forward is identified for the delivery of the service, then it is usually followed by a procurement process to select the best service provider and achieve best value,a grant funding process if the service provider is identified, or a different process if neither procurement or grant funding is the best vehicle.

The refreshed terms of reference for this can be found here.

Details of how the services the Commissioner has funded for victims of crime can be found here: