Expenditures (£500 Spend)

This page outlines information on all expenditures within the Police and Crime Commissioners Office.

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and Chief Constable are required to publish information about each item of expenditure exceeding £500 (other than crime and disorder reduction grants), including the recipient of the funds and the reason why the PCC and Chief Constable consider that good value for money has been achieved.

This is a requirement of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, as set out in Statutory Instruments 2011 3050 and 2012 2479.

PCCs and Chief Constables have an obligation, in law, to obtain value for money from their purchasing arrangements.

Jar of coins
£20 notes

Much of our procurement is carried out using national and local contracts and framework agreements and we may also run mini-tenders using suppliers listed in these frameworks to get further value for money.

Additionally, each year the PCC and Chief Constable’s external auditors check those proper arrangements are in place for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the PCC and Chief Constable’s use of resources, as set out in the Audit Commission Act 1998.

See below PCVC expenditure exceeding £500 (including all contracts)

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